Hamilton County Schools enrollment data reports that 1 out of every 4 students with access to Bible courses will complete a Bible course for graduation credit.
Student Stories
quotes from bible students

“Because of Bible class, I can come to school knowing there is someone that I can talk to and trust. My teacher makes me smile when I need it.”

“This class has helped me learn in other classes, like reading and history. The Bible is filled with new learning opportunities for me.”

“Bible has made a difference in my life because I’m starting to understand the Bible more. The more I understand, the more I want to learn.”

“One thing I’m going to take away from this class this year is the account of the Good Samaritan. This was one of my favorite accounts because it’s something I think a lot of people should hear and they should take something from it. I think most people would learn a lot from this and some people would try to improve society with it.”

“I feel like learning and expanding my knowledge past the regular core classes is great. Bible is a great class for non-religious or religious students everywhere.”

“Thank you for allowing me to not only learn about history through the Bible, but also the ways in which the world can be looked at through the Bible.”

“This class has helped me make new friends and has sparked some great conversations between me and many others.”

“Bible has helped me improve my behavior, grades, and overall understanding of world history.”
Public School Bible Program – Student Enrollment
hamilton county schools
The decrease in student enrollment is largely a result of many middle school courses moving from quarter-long courses to semester-long courses. The advantage: more time in the text leads to greater mastery of the Bible.
Bible Student Enrollment by Ethnicity

91 %
of middle and high school students in Hamilton County public schools have access to Bible elective courses.