Since 1922, Bible in the Schools has provided Hamilton County public school students in grades 6-12 with the opportunity to study the Bible in their classrooms. These courses, offered as electives, allow students to study the Bible from a literary and historical perspective. The Bible program consists of five elective courses taught from a viewpoint-neutral, court-approved curriculum. Electives are funded entirely by generous donors from Hamilton County and beyond. The Hamilton County Bible program is inclusive to students from all walks of life and seeks equal access for all public school students.
“I am honored to stand with this organization as we focus on advancing Bible education for public school students in Hamilton County. We have spent the last 102 years investing in the education of Hamilton County public school students by sharing the Bible with them. We look forward to many more years of continued growth with sincere gratitude for all who have given so generously to this organization.”
Rob Huffaker, Jr., Board Chairman, Bible in the Schools

“In an ever-changing culture, there are very few things that stay the same. The Bible, however, has stood the test of time and remains one of the cornerstone texts of world history and the narrative that has arguably had the most profound influence upon Western literature and the culture around us. Generations upon generations have also turned to the Bible for hope and direction.”
Cathy Scott, President, Bible in the Schools
2024-2025 Bible Program Expansions
New Programs
Chattanooga School for the Arts and Sciences
Expanded Programs
Dalewood Middle School
Signal Mountain Middle School
Signal Mountain High school
Sale Creek High School
Requests for
Program Replication
Becoming a Leading Model for Advancing Bible Education

“Because of Bible I feel like I can trust people and I feel safe. Thank you for providing this class in my school. I can come to school knowing there is someone I can talk to and trust. My teacher makes me smile when I need it.”
bible student
Alumni Stories
stories from Bible Program Alumni