happy Students during the bible in the schools program



Students will engage in an academic study of the book of Genesis and the details related to the origin and development of the Bible. Students will read the creation and flood narratives, the formation of early civilizations, and the founding of the early Abrahamic and Israelite traditions.




Students will engage in an academic study of the book of Exodus. Students will read the narrative of the Israelite experience in Egypt, as well as their enslavement and eventual exodus from Egypt, including an overview of the life and leadership of Moses and the early rituals, practices, and systems of ancient Israelite culture.

Life of Jesus

Life of Jesus


Students will engage in an academic study of the first four books of the New Testament, the Gospels. Students will complete an academic survey of Jesus’ life, using the Book of Luke as the primary text. This will include Jesus’ early life, his work and teachings, and his arrest and execution.

Old Testament

Old Testament

9th-12th GRADE

This class provides an academic overview of the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible, beginning with the formation of the biblical canon and the creation of narratives through the Babylonian exile and the Second Temple Period. The course emphasizes understanding the thought and culture of ancient Israel.

New Testament

New Testament

9th-12th GRADE

This class provides an academic overview of the entire New Testament. Students engage in a comparative study of the four Gospels and trace the development of the early Christian church. Emphasis is given to the life and teachings of Jesus. Students also investigate the various writings of Paul, as well as the many cultural challenges faced by the early church.

Sponsor a Bible student today

All courses are taught in compliance with the Tennessee State Board of Education Bible Standards.

College Credit Now Offered for Old Testament and New Testament Courses

A college Local Dual Credit option is now offered for both the Old Testament and New Testament courses, offering students the opportunity to earn up to six hours of college credit at Chattanooga State community college.

“The first and almost the only book deserving of universal attention is the Bible.”

John Quincy Adams (6th president of the United States)

A student understanding the bible

“This class has really changed the way I view and understand the Bible. This class has improved my ability to analyze and ask questions about the things I read and to consider the context of what I’m reading.”

bible student

“It’s important that everyone knows a little bit about the Bible. It has a huge impact on our lives and as a country.”

bible student

a student actively listening to the teacher while holding a bible